Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My favorite thing

My favorite thing about this class was the group assignments. The group assignments related well to the readings and lectures. We could use what we discussed in our blogs and apply them to what we were writing about. It also helped identified the most common arguments used in the real world: fallacies. I did not realize how much we were learning in class could be applied to organizations and group communication. The things we learned in class could also be applied to what we discussed in groups. For the second assignment especially, our group had a disagreement over which organization to focus on and we argued about it back and forth until coming to a decision. I also got to know my group members better. Because this class was online they were the few people in class I could connect a face to a blog to. We were able to discuss the class and assist each other. Communication is the focus of this class and that is exactly what we did in our groups.


  1. Catalina,
    I completely agree with your post. My favorite thing about the class was also the group assignments. I also talked about the fact that what we learned is very helpful in our every day lives. I also had not realized how accurate and useful the topics we were covering were. I also talked about the fact that getting to know my group members was one of my favorite things as well. It was definitely good to get to know them and be able to connect face to face with some people from our class seeing how it is an online class. Even though my group and I did not have arguments, we did have to learn how to communicate with one another, which was sometimes hard due to our different schedules and what not. I overall said the same things as you :)
    Great post and good luck on our final :)

  2. Catalina,
    I really enjoyed the group aspect of this class as well. Group assignments can either go really well, or really terribly. In the case for this class I believe everyone was very satisfied with their group and everyone worked well together. So much of group communication depends on the people working together in a group and how well they can formulate ideas and come to a common consensus. This class taught us a lot of skills that helped develop our group communication skills. I know for me, the online communication almost worked better than communicating in person; everyone in my group was very compliant and diligent about returning emails. The skills we learned in this class will help us throughout college and in the workplace. I totally agree with your statements in this post.

  3. I also enjoyed the group projects. I was first skeptical about having them since it was an online class and I wanted an online class so that I wouldn't have to have class or work with others. Although I felt like this at first, I now take it back and I took a lot from the group projects. I felt like they gave me an opportunity to discuss the concepts with others giving me a better understanding for the course concepts. I agree with you about the fact that this is a communication class so being a part of a group helped learn the communication aspect of the course.

  4. I completely agree with your post and the sentence about applying what we learned to the real world. Fallacies do play a large part in our lives. All of the ideas and concepts that we learned were definitely linked to all of our assignments. I liked how we were able to adapt these ideas into our group projects. The discussion blogs definitely helped to bring the class together even though there was no physical interaction for the majority of the class. It allowed us to learn together and to critique others’ ideas. Excellent points about how everything tied in with the assignments and concepts.

  5. Hey Catalina, I also agree with your post just like the other four previous bloggers. First, I would like to agree with you, upon the fact that our group projects were really fun and educative. It was the group project that set the tone for this class, because that was all that we were able to physically see of the class. So communication was really important within the group members. Things could have gone horrible if the group members got bored of each other and stopped communicating with each other. But, as you said, that was the most important and favorite thing that you learned in this class. To which, I completely agree. I couldn't have said it better myself. I enjoyed this class. It was a new experience.

  6. The group assignments were a great way to connect what we learned from the texts and real life situations. Each project used topics discussed in class and the readings which gave us great examples in real life. I agree with you Catalina because I too loved the group projects. The fallacies were hard for me to understand at first, but from the help of these projects I gained more knowledge and examples that helped me grasp the concepts better. Although they were not my favorite thing, I feel the group assignments were helpful to this class. My favorite group assignment was number three because it provided realistic examples.
