In our Essential Guide to Group Communication book, on page 55, there is a section titled “Group Communication in Cultural Perspectives: Cultural Diversity in the Workforce”. This section caught my eye because it has a lot to do with the work force today.
The segment gave an example of a work place that included a variety of people. Race, age, and experience defined the group. Each person was individually unique from the others. What connects them is their work at Universal Industries. Because the group is so diverse the segment asks some questions about what problems and benefits this situation creates for the company.
The questions the segment asks at the end brought a lot of more questions to my attention. It made me realize how important communicating and communicating effectively impact a person’s work life. Sometimes working with such a diverse group can bring up situations that must be handled in the right way. Cultural differences can be good because you learn about other people and their lives and histories. If I were the director in charge, I would make sure that everyone talked about things that may not be appropriate to say or do out of respect for each other. Communication prevents dilemmas and will benefit everyone by openly communicating.
This section also caught my attention because I work with many people of different races and age groups. The work force today is very diverse especially because the United States is a country with many ethnicities. No one person is alike and that causes each person to bring something different into his or her work place. Differences between people have caused problems and that is why there are many laws that must be obeyed. So problems about racism, sexism, discrimination, etc. will not arise. This is where communication comes along. People must be able to communicate effectively to get the work done without bringing in cultural differences. It is helpful to learn what cultural differences there are in a work group so people can get along better. Where I work there are people who only speak Spanish and some who only speak English. They try their best to communicate and a lot of them are learning the other language, which can be very hilarious. Communicating appropriately will solve many problems.