Saturday, September 11, 2010

Leaders and Decisions

When reading about Leaders in groups I got a better understanding of what it means to be an effective leader. The different types of leaders influences the group dynamic significantly. The leader controls the whole group by making decisions and having the most influence over group members. The type of leader though determines how the group is.

It was easier to understand the different types of leaders by applying them to world leaders today. You can recognize the type of leader by the type of government.

The United States (democracy) President Barack Obama would have a mix of consultative and participative leadership. He works with his Cabinet to determine what direction he wishes the government to move in. While also working with leaders in the Senate and House to achieve a desired goal.

In Britain, the Queen (constitutional monarchy) has a laissez-faire leadership. She is more of a figure head than a political leader. Though she has some authority in her land, she does not directly make laws or enforce them.

In the case of China (communist), it’s more authoritarian leadership style by President Hu Jintao, more or less. Making decisions and having the most control over the government and its people.

All leaders have their own personal ways of leading but they all take some shape or form of one of the types of leaders mentioned above.


  1. I also discussed the different types of leadership for my third post. I think it was a great idea to use world leaders of today for examples. I agree that the United States President exhibits both consultative and participative leadership. The president must hear the opinions of others and then make a decision. The president is also participative because he must work together with the other group members. The Queen of Britain is a prime example of a laissez-faire leader because she does not really do much direct leading. The Chinese President is a perfect example of an authoritarian leader. Your post was very clear and interesting to read.

  2. I also wrote about the different types of leadership but just described what they were. Leaders can be effective in many different ways and it depends on how they portray themselves. I really liked how you used examples of world leaders and how the type of government usually determines what kind of leadership style they use. I got a better understanding on how leader govern and how much influence they have. Consultative and participative leadership seems to be the ones I like the most which may have to do with the fact that our country tries to practice a mixture of the two.

  3. Your post about leadership was very descriptive to me. Leadership can be shown from a government power or around your friends. The examples of democracy, laissez-faire and communist, gave me description for the different types of leaderships there are. I had a clear understanding of which powers rule in each countries. For the communist one about China and president Hu Jintao, it would be better if you put North Korea because China now is more open to free trade compared to North Korea who have not opened their country. It would have been good if you used a personal example of how you show leadership. But this was good too about the presidents.

  4. I liked your commentary in terms of defining the roles that different leaders play in their respective governments; however, I didn’t understand how you related those roles to their decisions. I think this is a critical point in terms of understanding why they choose one decision over another. When we read about the president of the United States of America we can begin to get glimpse of why it can be so tough to understand the rationale the decision making process. Our President must navigate the tricky waters of multiple political party lines as well as various professional affiliations.
